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Colonic Hydrotherapy

1 hr 30 mins£75

Benefits of Colonic Hydrotherapy:
​Hydrates the large intestine
Improves digestion
Jump start weight loss
​Encourages whole body health
Supports overall colon health
​Increase energy and concentration

Before Treatment:
If you have not received colonic hydrotherapy before, we recommend a course of 3 treatments taken over a 10-day period. It is usual that the first treatment is more about hydrating the colon, rather than eliminating impacted fecal matter. For best results avoid eating 2hours before treatment and going to the toilet beforehand.

During the Treatment:
Your treatment will start with the completion of a consultation form to determine your lifestyle and desired outcome of the treatments.
You will lay on a couch and made comfortable. A single use speculum is lubricated and carefully inserted into the bowel through the rectum. Filtered warmed water is passed into the colon at a controlled rate.
Waste water and fecal matter travel silently down the waste pipe.
The temperature of the water may be adjusted and an abdominal massage carried out to improve the breakdown and elimination of waste.