Colourpuncture is a holistic therapy that uses beams of coloured light applied to specific points and areas of the skin.
It uses a new therapeutic system called Esogetic Medicine, developed by the German naturopath Peter Mandel who combined the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine with the latest research on quantum physics and energetic medicine. At the core of colourpuncture is the fact that everything in life vibrates at a certain frequency. When the natural vibration changes, we experience symptoms that can manifest at the physical, emotional or spiritual levels. Different parts of the body respond to a range of wavelengths (visible, infrared and ultraviolet light) giving our cells healthy information that encourages them to realign to their original frequencies.
It uses a new therapeutic system called Esogetic Medicine, developed by the German naturopath Peter Mandel who combined the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine with the latest research on quantum physics and energetic medicine. At the core of colourpuncture is the fact that everything in life vibrates at a certain frequency. When the natural vibration changes, we experience symptoms that can manifest at the physical, emotional or spiritual levels. Different parts of the body respond to a range of wavelengths (visible, infrared and ultraviolet light) giving our cells healthy information that encourages them to realign to their original frequencies.